Gödöllő - 2001. június 23.

CD - 2004 - GR-049

imageThe album, Update came out in June from the renewed band in 2001. After the press conference the band marched into the rehearsal hall and got prepared for its biggest country tour at that time. On 21st of July Ben Castle, the English saxophone player, joined the band. We have already published the memorable moments of this rehearsal of the 21st on the “What more to know about Update” CD. The main rehearsal was held in Gödöllo Theatre on the 22nd and the performance was on the 23rd. It is interesting to compare the rehearsal of the 21st and the performance material of the 23rd. In two days the production became completely mature.

It is worthwhile to listen again to the performance of the seven-member Djabe before premier as this was the beginning of a very important era in the life of this band. It is enjoyable to notice the reaction of Ben Castle and Ferenc Kovács to each other’s play. One of the treat of the Gödöllo recording is the "My Way" composition of Tamás Barabás.

We recorded the material of the DVD, Flying, five days later in the Petõfi Inn. Before that Gödöllõ, after that Cegléd (Bori Jazz), Szolnok, Békéscsaba, Zalaegerszeg after the PeCsa, Székesfehérvár, Debrecen (Jazz days), Gyor and final destination Deménd (Slovakia). We have published a record of the Deménd performance on the "live in Slovakia" club CD.

Order on-line


1. Gödöllő intro
2. Ly-O-Lay Ale Loya
3. Distant Dance
4. Flying
5. First Step
6. Clouds Dance
7. Desire
8. My Way
9. Mayombe
10. Winter Forest
11. Barraguira


Barabás Tamás - basszusgitár
Égerházi Attila - gitárok
Sipos András - ének, ütőhangszerek
Kovács Ferenc - trombita, szárnykürt, hegedű, ének
Kovács Zoltán - billentyűs hangszerek
Banai Szilárd - dobok
Ben Castle

Management: Gramy-H Advertising Ltd.
H-1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 40.
e-mail: djabe@djabe.com
Phone: +36 1 217 1121
Fax: +36 1 218 0166